分 | レポート |
46' | Inter lead Treviso 1-0 at half time thanks to Julio Cruz's 23rd-minute goal. |
46' | Guigou's free kick is way over Julio Cesar's bar. |
45' | 1 minute of added time to play. |
45' | Treviso win a free kick five yards outside the Nerazzurri box for a foul on Viali. |
45' | Cordoba blocks a Borriello cross from the left and concedes an attacking throw-in. |
42' | Adriano races on to a Veron pass, sidesteps Viali then crashes a diagonal left-foot shot on to the post. |
40' | In the Inter area Kily intercepts a Filippini ball for Maggio to deny the Treviso midfielder a clear scoring chance. |
36' | Samuel beats E.Filippini to a Pinga ball forward. |
34' | Pinga's curling free kick hits the Inter crossbar. |
33' | Treviso win a free kick in a central position 25 yards out for a Samuel foul on Borriello. |
32' | Pinga's first-time shot from ex-Inter player Dellafiore's cross is wide of Julio Cesar's left-hand post. |
29' | E.Filippini takes the ball to the right-wing by-line and is flagged offside. |
29' | Figo aims for the near post. Treviso clear and counter attack down the right. |
28' | Figo plays a quick one-two with Adriano then plays wide to Kily, who is fouled by Maggio. Free kick to Inter on the left edge of the Treviso area. |
25' | Adriano wins a duel with Valdez then fires high and wide from the edge of the Treviso area. |
23' | That was El Jardinero's 10th goal of the season (7 in A, 3 in Champions League). |
23' | GOOOAAALL!!!!!!! Julio Cruz heads home Burdisso's cross from the right. 1-0 to Inter!!!! |
21' | Spotting Julio Cesar off his line Borriello tries to head a Valdez cross over the Brazilian keeper but his attempt goes over the bar. |
19' | Kily is booked for a foul on Maggio. Free kick to Treviso on the right wing. |
18' | Veron's low shot from the distance is blocked by Gustavo. |
17' | Guigou receives from Parravicini then unleashes a long-range shot which finishes well wide of the left post. |
16' | Treviso win a free kick 45 yards out of the right. Valdez's cross is headed clear by Nicolas Burdisso. |
14' | Figo's inswinging corner is caught by Zancopè. |
13' | Adriano plays to Veron on the right. The Argentine crosses into the area, Maggio heads out for a left-wing corner. |
11' | Burdisso's header from the corner is wide of the far post. |
11' | Burdisso is booked for a foul on Valdez in the Treviso area. |
10' | Cambiasso's header from Veron's free kick is tipped over by Zancopè. Corner to Inter. |
10' | Inter win a free kick fifteen yards inside the Treviso area. |
9' | Borriello has a penalty claim turned down after a challenge by Cordoba in the Inter area. |
8' | Veron blocks a Maggio cross from the right and Treviso win an attacking throw-in. |
7' | Julio Cesar makes a good save from Parravicini's low shot from the distance. |
6' | Treviso win a free kick 40 yards out for a Cordoba foul on Borriello. |
5' | Valdez makes a headed clearance from a Figo cross to deny Adriano a chance at the far post. |
5' | Maggio's diagonal shot from inside the Inter area is saved by Julio Cesar. |
4' | Treviso keeper Zancopè beats Adriano to a cross in from the right wing. |
3' | Parravicini is yellow-carded for foul play. |
3' | Zancopè fails to clear Veron's cross, Adriano's header is over. |
2' | Free kick to Inter 45 yards out on the right. |
1' | Welcome to the Omobono Tenni for tonight's midweek Serie A match between Treviso and Inter. |
1' | Treviso kick off. FORZA INTER!!!! |
1' | It's a South American Inter tonight, with Figo the only European in Mancini's starting line-up. |
1' | Mancini makes several changes to the team that beat Cagliari on Sunday. Burdisso & Kily Gonzalez replace disqualified players Favalli and Stankovic, while Veron returns from suspension. With Martins on international duty, Cruz partners Adriano up front. |
分 | レポート |
50' | Full time. Inter beat Treviso 1-0 to record their fifth league win away from home this season. |
48' | Adriano is fouled by Valdez as he receives from Veron, but Gabriele gives a free kick to Treviso. |
46' | Materazzi makes a headed clearance at the far post to deny Maggio. |
46' | Roberto Mancini brings on Marco Materazzi for Cristian Kily Gonzalez. |
45' | 5 minutes of added time to play. |
44' | Borriello rises above Javier Zanetti then heads over Vascak's cross from the right. |
42' | Inter counter attack with Cruz and Adriano but the move comes to nothing. |
41' | Free kick to Treviso 30 yards out on the left for a Cordoba foul on Borriello. Baseggio's outswinging cross is headed clear by Veron. |
39' | Adriano, who scored a hat-trick against Treviso on the opening day of the season, runs on to a long ball into the opposing box and volleys wide. |
38' | Luis is okay after a quick check by the Inter doctors and is back on the pitch. |
37' | Figo remains on the ground after a challenge by Baseggio. |
37' | Burdisso rises above Maggio and makes a headed clearance from Dellafiore's cross. |
36' | Adriano makes a diagonal run in to the box from the left, forcing Valdez to make a tackle and concede a corner. |
35' | Treviso bring on Baseggio for E.Filippini and switch from a 4-5-1 to a 4-4-2. |
33' | Julio Cruz has a low shot parried by Zancopè. |
33' | Julio Cruz has a low shot parried by Zancopè |
31' | Samuel clears a Borriello cross from the left. |
30' | Cordoba beats Borriello to a E.Filippini ball down the left and sweeps clear. Moments later Julio Cesar comes off his line to punch clear a Dellafiore cross. |
28' | Gustavo is yellow-carded for fouling Adriano from behind midway inside the Treviso half. |
25' | Viali blocks a Figo shot from the distance. |
24' | Cavasin brings on Vascak for Pinga. |
23' | Cruz and Adriano fail to take advantage of a J.Zanetti cross from the right and Treviso clear. |
22' | Valdez heads clear a Figo cross from the left to deny Adriano. |
20' | Maggio blocks a Kily cross from the left and concedes an attacking throw-in. |
19' | Figo's inswinger from the left-wing corner flag is caught by Zancopè. |
18' | Zancopè tips Figo's cross round for a corner to deny Adriano a chance at the back post. |
16' | Pinga crosses into the Inter box. Samuel collides with Borriello. Both players remain on the ground clutching limbs, but are soon back on their feet. |
14' | Veron's ball into the box is hooked clear by Dellafiore. |
13' | Free kick to Inter in a central position over 40 yards out for a Gustavo foul on Cruz. |
11' | Parravicini's first-time shot from 20 yards is over Julio Cesar's bar. |
11' | Treviso substitution: Reginaldo comes on for Guigou. |
10' | Borriello takes the ball past Cordoba on the left but there's no way past Javier Zanetti, who tackles the Treviso striker. |
9' | Javier Zanetti tackles Guigou as the Treviso number seven receives in the Inter third from E.Filippini. |
8' | Borriello's weak shot from the left edge of the Inter area is easily saved by Julio Cesar. |
7' | Toldo is warming up but it looks like Julio Cesar is okay to continue. |
6' | Julio Cesar remains on the ground after a collision with Borriello. |
5' | Treviso close to an equaliser. Julio Cesar fails to hold Parravicini's low shot from Guigou's pass. Cordoba makes a goalline clearance to deny Borriello a tap-in. |
4' | Free kick to Treviso in a central position 35 yards out for a Veron foul on Pinga. |
3' | Treviso win a right-wing corner. Adriano sweeps clear. |
2' | Cordoba beats Borriello to Dellafiore's ball down the left channel and slides it out for a throw-in. |
2' | Figo's cross-shot from the right wing is caught by Zancopè. |
1' | Inter get the second half under way. |