分 | レポート |
45' | It's 0-0 after 45 minutes of play at the Tardini. |
44' | Sinisa Mihajlovic's shot from a 35-yard free kick hits the Gialloblu wall. |
43' | From the left wing Cruz feeds through to Momente' but the flag goes up for offside. |
41' | Parma attack back. Cigarini's half-volley from the edge of the Innter area finishes high over Toldo's crossbar. |
38' | In the middle of the Parma penalty area Cruz fails to make contact with Martins' cross from the left. |
38' | Andreolli blocks Dedic on the left edge of the Inter penalty box. |
37' | It takes four Gialloblu players to snuff out a Martins counter-attack. |
36' | A bit of pinball at the Tardini. Rossi heads a Solari cross out for a corner. Mihajlovic takes, Corradi heads out for another corner. Sinisa takes again and this time De Lucia punches clear. |
32' | Toldo blocks Dedic's diagonal grasscutter from the left edge of the Nerazzurri box, made even more dangerous by the rain-soaked pitch. |
30' | Obafemi Martins' long-range left-foot shot is over De Lucia's crossbar. |
27' | De Lucia blocks a Cruz shot from outside the box as Inter attack back. |
25' | Dedic plays a long ball forward to Corradi, who tries a shot from just inside the Inter box. It's wide of the left post. |
24' | De Lucia blocks Mihajlovic's 40-yard free kick. |
23' | Momente' is put through on goal by Martins but Morganti stops play for a Coly foul on Cruz. |
21' | Toldo makes a high catch from another Pasquale ball in from the left. |
18' | It's end to end at the Tardini. Toldo has few problems dealing with Corradi's header from Pasquale's cross as the two former Nerazzurri players link up again. |
16' | De Lucia does the same at the other end to bea Martins to a long ball forward. |
15' | The Nerazzurri keeper comes to the edge of his box to deny Corradi a chance from Cigarini's pass. |
11' | Toldo is quick off his line to beat Corradi to Grella's long pass. Parma are the more attacking side in these opening minutes. |
9' | At the other end Toldo's opposite number De Lucia blocks a Solari ball in from the right. |
8' | Francesco Toldo makes an easy save from Rossi's header from a Parma corner. |
6' | Ex-Inter players Pasquale and Corradi combine for Parma. Toldo beats the striker to the full-back's cross from the left. |
5' | Cruz finds Momente' with a backheeled pass but no Nerazzurri player is on hand to convert the young striker's cross. |
4' | Cruz tries an acrobatic shot from Solari's cross. Coly blocks. |
3' | The Parma defence stops a Cruz right-foot shot from the distance. |
2' | Burdisso denies Dedic a chance from Camara's cross. |
1' | Inter's defence of the Coppa Italia starts here at the Tardini stadium with a last sixteen first leg match against Parma. |
1' | Parma kick off. |
1' | All matches this week will kick off five minutes late to protest against racist behaviour by fans. |
1' | Of the five Inter Primavera players called up to Mancini's squad for tonight's cup clash, three are in the starting line-up: defender Marco Andreolli, midfielder Daniel Maa Boumsong and striker Matteo Momente'. |
分 | レポート |
49' | Full time. Inter beat Parma 1-0 thanks to a goal from Obafemi Martins. |
46' | Solari fails to reach Recoba's through ball as the Nerazzurri look to add to Martins' goal. |
45' | Four minutes of added time to play. |
43' | Recoba has a shot deflected out for a corner. Mihajlovic takes, Corradi makes a headed clearance. |
41' | Recoba tries to lob De Lucia but the Parma keeper gets to the ball. |
40' | Grella's right-foot effort from outside the Nerazzurri box goes wide. |
39' | Three opponents close down Martins as the Nigerian forward looks for a way through on goal. |
38' | At the other end Corradi meets a Cigarini left-wing cross in the centre of the Inter area and heads wide. |
36' | Nicolas Burdisso's header from Wome's short pass causes no problems for De Lucia. |
35' | The Gialloblu defence clears a Mihajlovic left-wing corner. Recoba's shot from the loose ball is wide. |
32' | Parma keeper beats Santiago Solari to Wome's ball in from the left. |
30' | Inter make their final substitution: Recoba comes on for Cruz. |
29' | GOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!! Obafemi Martins beats De Lucia with an unstoppable header from Sinisa Mihajlovic's left-wing corner. |
28' | Parma bring on Bernardini for Rossi. |
27' | Great chance for Inter. De Lucia blocks a 20-yard left-foot shot from Martins, then the Nigerian tries to head home the rebound but the Parma keeper parries for a second time. |
26' | Mancini brings on Materazzi for Momente'. |
24' | Cruz with his head and Solari with his heel fail to direct a left-wing cross over the line. |
22' | Roberto Mancini brings on Esteban Cambiasso for Daniel Maa Boumsong. |
22' | Bernardo Corradi's shot on the turn is wide. |
21' | Inter close to an opening goal. De Lucia does well to tip a Cruz long-range shot round for a right-wing corner. Mihajlovic's cross-shot from the corner flag is just over the crossbar. |
19' | Solari's ball into space is too long for Cruz, and De Lucia gathers. |
16' | The Gialloblu make their second switch: on comes Cardone for Paolo Cannavaro. |
14' | Pierre Wome blocks substitute Paponi's shot from Corradi's pass. |
12' | Parma bring on Paponi for Coly. |
11' | Mihajlovic comes off for treatment after hurting his head in a collision with Corradi. |
9' | Paolo Cannavaro beats Cruz to a Solari pass played to the edge of the Parma box. |
8' | Savi's shot from outside the Nerazzurri box is wide of Toldo's left-hand post. |
6' | De Lucia deals with Burdisso's header from a Mihajlovic left-wing corner. |
5' | Cruz commits a foul while trying to win the ball on the edge of the Parma box. |
3' | Burdisso intercepts a Grella ball to Dedic, scorer of two goals for Parma in this season's Coppa Italia. |
1' | Inter kick off the second half. |