1 tiempo
2 tiempo
Minutos | Crónica |
46' | Half time. Ascoli 1-0 Inter. |
46' | Cruz is flagged offside as he controls a Pizarro ball in the Ascoli area. But El Jardinero was in an onside position when he began his run. |
45' | 1 minute of additional time. |
44' | Ferrante's header from an Ascoli cross is blocked by Samuel. |
43' | Comotto's cross-shot from the right edge of the Inter area is wide of the far post. |
42' | Solari's curling free kick is on tagret. Coppola saves. |
40' | Free kick to Inter just outside the Ascoli area for a Domizzi foul on Julio Cruz. |
40' | Coppola comes off his line and rises to catch Pizarro's cross from the corner. |
39' | Cambiasso's shot from a central position 20 yards out takes a deflection. Corner to Inter. |
38' | Foggia's curling shot from 20 yards is wide of Toldo's right-hand post. |
37' | Fini's misguides his long ball forward for Quagliarella. Toldo gathers. |
36' | Foggia cuts out Cambiasso's through ball for Martins and sets up an Ascoli counter-attack. |
36' | Cruz gets into a shooting position on the edge of the Bianconeri area and blasts high and wide. |
35' | Comotto sweeps clear on the edge of the Ascoli box to deny the onrushing Martins. |
34' | Fini's right-footed drive from 25 yards is a whisker wide of the right post. |
33' | Inter hit back and go close to an equaliser with Martins' low shot saved by Coppola. |
33' | Quagliarella takes on Cordoba on the left-wing by-line then crosses but there's no Ascoli player on hand. Inter clear. |
31' | Cordoba outpaces Ferrante to an Ascoli ball down the left and boots out for a throw-in. |
30' | David Pizarro's inswinging cross is cleared as far as Solari, whose 20-yard volley finishes wide. |
30' | Free kick to Inter 25 yards out on the left. |
29' | Ascoli counter attack. Samuel blocks Ferrante's diagonal shot from inside the Inter area. |
28' | Guana is booked for a foul on Martins. |
28' | Coppola is quick off his line to beat Martins to Solari's ball over the Bianconeri defence. |
27' | Comotto's cross from the right is cleared by Cambiasso. |
24' | Ferrante's diagonal shot from the right edge of the Inter area is well wide of the far post. |
24' | Samuel makes a headed clearance from Foggia's cross. |
23' | Walter Samuel is yellow-carded for a foul on Ferrante. The free kick is 35 yards out on the right. |
23' | Javier Zanetti's deflected long-range shot is gathered by Ascoli keeper Coppola. |
21' | From the spot Marco Ferrante sends Toldo the wrong way. 1-0 to Ascoli. |
20' | Penalty to Ascoli for a dubious foul by Samuel on Quagliarella in the Inter area. |
18' | Solari's 20-yard shot from Pizarro's cut-back is saved by Coppola. |
17' | Martins' close-range volley from Cruz's cross is saved by Coppola but the flag goes up for offside. |
14' | Free kick to Ascoli 40 yards out. |
14' | Guana's cross into the Inter area is headed clear by Julio Cruz. |
13' | Inter captain Javier Zanetti denies Fini a shooting opportunity in the Nerazzurri area. |
10' | Cruz receives on the right from Pizarro and crosses into the Bianconeri area. Domizzi beats Martins to the ball and makes a headed clearance. |
8' | Solari's header from Cambiasso's cross is collected by Coppola. |
7' | Free kick to Inter in a central position 30 yards out for a Guana foul on Cambiasso. |
6' | On the opposite wing Santiago Solari takes on an opponent then delivers a cross. Ascoli clear. |
6' | Nicolas Burdisso's cross from the left flank goes behind for an Ascoli goal kick. |
4' | Burdisso combines with his fellow countryman Kily on the left but the ball goes out for an Ascoli throw-in. |
3' | Toldo saves Quagliarella's low shot from the distance. |
2' | Pizarro crosses into the Bianconeri box. At the far post Cruz heads into the middle of the area and Ascoli clear. |
1' | Welcome to the Stadio Cino e Lillo Del Duca for Ascoli v Inter. |
1' | Inter kick off. FORZA NERAZZURRI!!!!!!!! |
1' | Inter line-up: 1 Toldo; 4 J. Zanetti, 2 Cordoba, 25 Samuel, 3 Burdisso; 21 Solari, 8 Pizarro, 19 Cambiasso, 18 Kily González; 9 Cruz, 30 Martins |
Minutos | Crónica |
49' | Full time. Inter beat Ascoli 2-1. |
49' | Toldo makes point-blank save from Giampà's close-range header. |
47' | Free kick to Inter on the left. Martins is beaten to Mihajlovic's cross. |
45' | 4 minutes of added time to play. |
45' | Mancini brings on Materazzi for Solari. |
44' | Cambiasso blocks Del Grosso's cross from the left. |
43' | Ascoli bring on Giampà for Parola. |
41' | Cruz is shown a red card after sarcastically clapping Farina's yellow card decision. Inter down to ten minute. |
41' | Cruz is yellow-carded for a foul on Foggia. |
35' | Martins fails to connect with Solari's low ball in from the left. |
32' | Mihajlovic's fierce low effort from the free kick is parried by Coppola, who blocks Martins' follow-up shot. Corner to Inter. |
31' | Free kick to Inter over 35 yards out. |
31' | Ascoli bring on Cristiano for Fini. |
29' | Pizarro fires wide after good saves by Coppola from Cruz and Martins. |
26' | Foggia is cautioned for a foul from behind on Julio Cruz. Free kick to Inter 35 yards out on the left. |
26' | Cruz is beaten to Mihajlovic's free kick and Ascoli clear. Attacking throw-in to Inter on the right. |
21' | Ascoli bring on Budan for Ferrante. |
19' | Solari's header from Figo's cross is wide. |
18' | Domizzi's effort from the free kick is high and wide. |
18' | Free kick to Ascoli just outside the Inter area for a Cambiasso foul on Foggia. |
16' | Toldo deals with Del Grosso's cross from the left. |
11' | That was Sinisa's first league goal of the season, and his 27th career goal from free kicks. |
11' | GOOOOOAAAALLLLL!!!!!! Sinisa Mihajlovic gives Inter the lead with a text book curling free kick. FORZA INTER!!!!! |
11' | Free kick to Inter in a central position 25 yards out. |
8' | Inter close to a second. Cruz volley Figo's through ball over the Ascoli crossbar. |
6' | That was Julio's 11th goal in the Serie A this season. |
6' | GOOOAAAAALLLL!!!!!!! Julio Cruz beats Coppola from the spot and we're all square at the Stadio Cino e Lillo Del Duca. |
5' | The Ascoli keeper is booked by match referee Farina. |
5' | Penalty to Inter for a Coppola foul in the Ascoli area. |
5' | Toldo is quick off his line to gather Comotto's cross from the right. |
1' | Ascoli kick off the second half. FORZA INTER!!!!!!!!! |
1' | Inter have brought on Figo and Mihajlovic for Samuel and Kily Gonzalez. |