MILAN - It was a day of celebrations for all to enjoy on Saturday 15 June, as kids and their families visited Villa Finzi – Milan’s historic gardens where there are plenty of useful services. This includes a nursery, an infant and primary school, a social centre for the elderly, a social guidance centre, local health advice, Pini e Negri disability day centres and Casa Solidale. This is in addition a wonderfully inclusive playground, one that caters for children with and without disabilities.
The aim of the Parchi Giochi Per Tutti project was to create inclusive playgrounds in public parks across nine of the city’s municipalities – promoted by the Fondazione di Comunità Milano - Citt, Sud Ovest, Sud Est, Martesana.
The design of each playground included input from a number of key city figures, such as Lisa Noja, as well as other important organisations. Inter Campus also played their part, who’re making important steps toward proving the right to play for disabled children.
There were many activities to enjoy, from playing football with the Inter Campus coaches to the make-up workshops with the Fondazione Parada. There were also theatre shows, bubbles and art workshops.
Before the press conference had even finished the park had been officially inaugurated, all of the children were already playing and enjoying themselves!
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