MILAN - On Friday 31 May, during International Children's Day, Inter Academy IMAS-Slovakia organized a great sporting event that all of its members and their families could enjoy. During the first part of the day, the local coaches from the Academy put on training sessions for each age group, that involved both parents and siblings.
This was all under the supervision of Inter Academy Permanent Coaches. The second part of the day saw all members of the Academy take part in friendlies between teams made up of players, parents and coaches. Thanks to the help of parents and local supporters of IMAS, the event ended with refreshments and awards handed out to the best players from Inter Club Slovakia.
As for further events in the future, the Open Day on 11th June will present all of the activities to be conducted by Inter Academy Permanent Coaches, as well as those from the Inter Academy Camp in Brezová pod Bradlom. These Camps will be taking place from 1st to 13th July for all children aged from 5 to 17.