MILAN – On Friday 3 May, Inter Campus took part in the fourth Festival dei Diritti Umani (Festival of Human Rights) organised by Reset-Diritti Umani, a non-profit association established in Milan in 2015 and sponsored by the City of Milan. This year, the theme of the Festival, which as usual took place at the Triennale, was Guerre e Pace (War and Peace). Through presentations, discussions and workshops, an emphasis was placed on protecting human rights in areas of conflict and developing the dynamics of peace.
Inter Campus made a contribution to the discussion by talking about the experiences it has had in its project in Bosnia and Herzegovina in addition to the project it is carrying out in Israel and Palestine, where the objective is to encourage dialogue with a view to improving integration. In two separate talks, first at the Teatro dell’Arte and then in the Salone d’Onore at the Triennale, we explained to an audience made up of over 50 high school students in Milan about how our sports-based initiatives help to promote peace.
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