It's free and you need one. Ask for yours when you buy your season ticket

MILAN – If you want a season ticket, you need a "siamo noi" Fan Card. The good news is that they are free, so if you don't have one yet just ask for yours when you apply for your season ticket at any branch of Banca Popolare di Milano or di Legnano. All you need is a valid identification document, an Italian tax code and three passport photos.

In addition to the purchase of season tickets, the "siamo noi" Fan Card also allows you to buy single tickets. Furthermore, buying online means you can head straight into the stadium jumping the queues at the ticket boxes, receive transfers of season tickets or single tickets from the "siamo noi" Fan Cards of other fans, and it can be used as a prepaid card whenever you like – in Italy, abroad and online.

AMALA: all the details

 Versione Italiana 

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